Points to Health: Theory and Practice of Health Education and Health Behavior

Author(s): Tina M Penhollow

Edition: 3

Copyright: 2023

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ISBN 9798385132416

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Points to Health is the latest textbook in health promotion and health education. It highlights the current practices of health and the future of health science. It is written at a level for upper undergraduate or graduate courses. The textbook is divided into five sections. The first part covers the history, goals, settings and responsibilities of the profession; as well as the agencies and professional organizations associated with health education. Parts two-four details intrapersonal models, interpersonal models, and community models of health behavior. Part five emphasizes the application, research, and evaluation of health theory in practice. Specific features of the textbook include PowerPoint presentations, exams, review questions, and interactive online test your knowledge questions.



About the Author

PART I: Introduction to Health Behavior, Health Education, and Health Promotion 

Chapter 1: History of Health Education

Chapter 2: Goals and Settings of Health Education

Chapter 3: Responsibilities and Ethics of the Profession 

Chapter 4: Agencies and Organizations Associated with Health Education

PART II: Intrapersonal Models of Health Behavior 

Chapter 5: Introduction to Theory and the Health Belief Model

Chapter 6: Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior 

Chapter 7: The Transtheoretical Model and Stages of Change

PART III: Interpersonal Models of Health Behavior 

Chapter 8: Social Cognitive Theory

Chapter 9: Social Networks and Social Support

PART IV: Community Models of Health Behavior 

Chapter 10: Diffusion of Innovations

Chapter 11: Community Organization and Community Building

Chapter 12: Social Marketing

PART V: Application and Evaluation of Theory in Practice 

Chapter 13: PRECEDE-PROCEED Model

Chapter 14: Measurement and Instrumentation

Chapter 15: Design, Sampling, and Evaluation

Chapter 16: Future Trends and Technology in Health Science

Appendix: Areas of Responsibility for Health Education

Tina M Penhollow

Points to Health is the latest textbook in health promotion and health education. It highlights the current practices of health and the future of health science. It is written at a level for upper undergraduate or graduate courses. The textbook is divided into five sections. The first part covers the history, goals, settings and responsibilities of the profession; as well as the agencies and professional organizations associated with health education. Parts two-four details intrapersonal models, interpersonal models, and community models of health behavior. Part five emphasizes the application, research, and evaluation of health theory in practice. Specific features of the textbook include PowerPoint presentations, exams, review questions, and interactive online test your knowledge questions.



About the Author

PART I: Introduction to Health Behavior, Health Education, and Health Promotion 

Chapter 1: History of Health Education

Chapter 2: Goals and Settings of Health Education

Chapter 3: Responsibilities and Ethics of the Profession 

Chapter 4: Agencies and Organizations Associated with Health Education

PART II: Intrapersonal Models of Health Behavior 

Chapter 5: Introduction to Theory and the Health Belief Model

Chapter 6: Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior 

Chapter 7: The Transtheoretical Model and Stages of Change

PART III: Interpersonal Models of Health Behavior 

Chapter 8: Social Cognitive Theory

Chapter 9: Social Networks and Social Support

PART IV: Community Models of Health Behavior 

Chapter 10: Diffusion of Innovations

Chapter 11: Community Organization and Community Building

Chapter 12: Social Marketing

PART V: Application and Evaluation of Theory in Practice 

Chapter 13: PRECEDE-PROCEED Model

Chapter 14: Measurement and Instrumentation

Chapter 15: Design, Sampling, and Evaluation

Chapter 16: Future Trends and Technology in Health Science

Appendix: Areas of Responsibility for Health Education

Tina M Penhollow