Foundations of Culture Wars in Education

Author(s): Barry Kanpol

Edition: 1

Copyright: 2015

Pages: 140

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ISBN 9781465277978

Details Electronic Delivery EBOOK 180 days

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Foundations of Culture Wars in Education opens up dialogue and debates over crucial political concerns. It  touches on vital educational issues including race, class, gender, philosophical, historical, multicultural and spiritual concerns.

Foundations of Culture Wars in Education builds its arguments on three essential themes:

  1. Pre-service teachers need to recognize the meaning of different viewpoints or “paradigms” of knowledge in order to make informed teaching decisions.
  2. Pre-service teachers need to make an authoritative decision to “educate” students rather than “school” them.
  3. To be engaged in the “culture wars” and to “educate” necessitates becoming a “transformative intellectual”.





  1. Why Teach Anyway? 
  2. A Walk through Schools as Student, Teacher and Professor: Recollecting Memories not so Pleasant. 
  3. Moving Towards Becoming a Transformative Intellectual: Schooling and Education Foundations and the Deepening of Culture Wars. 
  4. Philosophical Basis for Cultural Wars. 
  5. Admit it or Not: Social Class Distinctions in an American way of Life. 
  6. The Politics of Curriculum: The Culture of Confusing and Contradictory. 
  7. The Multicultural Complexity: A Cultural War on Values and Paradigms of Difference. 
  8. Multiculturalism Through Similarities Within Differences: Towards a Border Pedagogy of Solidarity. 
  9. Towards a Spiritual Bent: Borders for a Transformative Agenda, and the Spirit of Confession. 


Barry Kanpol

Now Available! 

Foundations of Culture Wars in Education opens up dialogue and debates over crucial political concerns. It  touches on vital educational issues including race, class, gender, philosophical, historical, multicultural and spiritual concerns.

Foundations of Culture Wars in Education builds its arguments on three essential themes:

  1. Pre-service teachers need to recognize the meaning of different viewpoints or “paradigms” of knowledge in order to make informed teaching decisions.
  2. Pre-service teachers need to make an authoritative decision to “educate” students rather than “school” them.
  3. To be engaged in the “culture wars” and to “educate” necessitates becoming a “transformative intellectual”.





  1. Why Teach Anyway? 
  2. A Walk through Schools as Student, Teacher and Professor: Recollecting Memories not so Pleasant. 
  3. Moving Towards Becoming a Transformative Intellectual: Schooling and Education Foundations and the Deepening of Culture Wars. 
  4. Philosophical Basis for Cultural Wars. 
  5. Admit it or Not: Social Class Distinctions in an American way of Life. 
  6. The Politics of Curriculum: The Culture of Confusing and Contradictory. 
  7. The Multicultural Complexity: A Cultural War on Values and Paradigms of Difference. 
  8. Multiculturalism Through Similarities Within Differences: Towards a Border Pedagogy of Solidarity. 
  9. Towards a Spiritual Bent: Borders for a Transformative Agenda, and the Spirit of Confession. 


Barry Kanpol