Conflict Between Persons: The Origins of Leadership

Edition: 2

Copyright: 2018

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ISBN 9781792421907

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We live in an age of ethical disputes, making conflict inevitable as we meet others with contrasting ethical positions and contrary communicative expectations. An ethical position held with conviction frequently generates conflict when one encounters another with a differing ethical standpoint embraced with equal assurance. 

Conflict Between Persons: The Origins of Leadership conceptualizes communication and conflict as a pragmatically essential everyday education for future leadership. 

Conflict Between Persons: The Origins of Leadership emphasizes creative and constructive reactions to conflict responsiveness with three basic coordinates: (1) learn before, during, and after a conflict, (2) understand what matters to you and others, and (3) acknowledge that conflict engagement involves alertness to, and understanding of, what matters in the interplay of self and others and the immediate and larger communicative environment. Leadership begins with the study and practice of communication ethics understood as background that carries a sense of a given good that we seek to protect and promote. The study of communication ethics does not shelter us from conflict; in fact, it invites conflict, providing clarity about what is important to us and to others. Leadership frames the larger significance of behavior by announcing what matters, turning isolated conduct and conflict into meaningful action situated within a story. 

The authors conceptualize communication and conflict as an existential education for leadership that begins with a willingness to enter the fray of everyday disagreement propelled by a pragmatic objective: learning from others and difference. Communicative leadership in an era of routine contentiousness must engage and learn from diverse convictions and conceptions of what matters.

Conflict Between Persons: The Origins of Leadership:

  • Examines the complex issues of ethical diversity; ethical positions can now generate conflict. 
  • Uses the insights of communication/leadership expert Gail T. Fairhurst, the book frames the reality of conflict as an ongoing pragmatic education for leadership. 
  • Examines emotion, sentiment, conflict origins, difference, the interplay of relationships and perceptions, self talk and internal conflict, the power of opinion, multiplicity of conflict styles, the danger of anachronistic responses, and alternatives to destructive conflict. 
  • Introduces the Odyssey in the final chapter as a case study to examine the interplay of conflict, ethics in dispute, and leadership in action.
  • Is student friendly! The publication incorporates key terms, glossary, index, and navigational aids such as boldface terms, headings, sub-heads, and informational sidebars to serve as helpful reference points. 
  • Is instructor friendly! An instructor’s manual includes chapter objectives, key terms, chapter outlines, learning activities, suggestions for supplemental movies and books, journal reflection questions, test questions (multiple choice, true/false, and essay), comprehensive Power Point presentations, and summarized Power Point presentations with discussion questions.

Chapter 1 Conflict in an Age of Ethical Dispute 
Communication Ethics and Conflict: Th e Engine for Dispute
A Communicative Gestalt
Goods that Matter: Understanding the Epicenter of Conflict
Responsibility for Conflict
Communicative Building and Construction
Framing Communicative Leadership: Th e Interplay of Ethics and Conflict

Chapter 2 Framing Communication: Conflict and Leadership 
Communication Responses to Fairhurst’s Work
Fairhurst’s Scholarship
Framing Communicative Leadership

Chapter 3 Human Sentiment: From Argument to Conflict 
Rationalism, Reason, and Rationality
Conflict and Human Sentiment
Framing Communicative Leadership: Sensing What Matters

Chapter 4 Conflict Origins: Understanding What Matters 
Narratives, Interests, and Goals
History and the Historical Moment as Power-Laden Possibilities
Engaging Power Resources: Otherwise than Convention
Framing Communicative Leadership: Story, Practices, and Meaning

Chapter 5 Conflict, Welcome, and Difference 
Environmental Communication
Face Saving
Framing Communicative Leadership: Dwellings of Welcome

Chapter 6 Relational Perception in Conflict 
Web of Relationships
Jealousy and Envy
Relational Perception and Revelatory Space
Framing Communicative Leadership: Relational Perception

Chapter 7 Emotion and Conflict 
Emotional Awareness: An Awakening
Attending to Advance Notice: Emotional Intelligence
Framing Communicative Leadership: Emotional Alerts

Chapter 8 Dialogue and Internal Conflict 
Internal Dialogue
Intrapersonal Communication
Uncertainty Reduction Theory
Creative Engagement and Conflict Maps
Framing Communicative Leadership: Internal Dialogue

Chapter 9 Attending to Opinions in Conflict 
Emotivism as Individualistic Decision Making
Attribution Theory
Evidence and Public Opinion
Framing Communicative Leadership: Beginning with Opinion

Chapter 10 Conflict Styles: The Dangers of Unthinking Familiarity 
The Danger of Unreflective Routine
Conflict Styles
Existential Trust and Communicative Environment
Framing Communicative Leadership: Existential Trust

Chapter 11 Conflict Routine: Anachronistic Responses 
Responding to Existence
Attentive Hearing and Responsive Listening
Roles and Responsibilities: Perspectives on Conflict
Conflict Confederates: Displaced Conflict
Framing Communicative Leadership: Innovative Responsiveness

Chapter 12 Thresholds of Sensitivity in Conflict 
Interactive Sensitivity
Impersonal Responsibility
Performative Trust
Framing Communicative Leadership: Sensitivity in Conflict

Chapter 13 Destructive Conflict: Do Not Do This to Me and to Us 
Divisive Conflict
Resistance to the Problematic
Framing Communicative Leadership: Attending to the Problematic

Chapter 14 A Conflict Odyssey: Story-Centered Leadership 
Engaging the Particular: Leadership as Loss, Betrayal, and Cunning
From Behavior to Action



Biography Glossary 


Ronald C. Arnett

Ronald C. Arnett (Ph.D., Ohio University, 1978) is professor and chair of the Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies and the Patricia Doherty Yoder and Ronald Wolfe Endowed Chair in Communication Ethics at Duquesne University. He is the former Henry Koren, C.S.Sp., Endowed Chair for Scholarly Excellence (2010–2015). He is the author/coauthor of eleven books and the recipient of six book awards. His most recent works include Levinas’s Rhetorical Demand: The Unending Obligation of Communication Ethics (2017, Southern Illinois University Press) and two award-winning works: Communication Ethics in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt’s Rhetoric of Warning and Hope and An Overture to Philosophy of Communication: The Carrier of Meaning (with Annette Holba). He was selected as a 2017 Distinguished Scholar by the National Communication Association.

Leeanne McManus

Leeanne M. Bell McManus (Ph.D., Duquesne University, 2007) is a professor in the Business Communication Department at Stevenson University and the Vice President of the Eastern Communication Association. She has co-authored two books, Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference (with Ronald C. Arnett and Janie Harden Fritz) and Event Planning: Communicating Theory and Practice (with Chip Rouse and Stephanie Verni). She has published excerpts in Integrated Marketing Communication: Creating Spaces for Engagement (with Chip Rouse), Exploring Communication Ethics: Interviews with Influential Scholars in the Field (with Ronald C. Arnett and Pat Arneson), and The Encyclopedia of Social Identity. Dr. Bell McManus has also published in Atlantic Journal of Communication, Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, Communication Annual: Journal of the Pennsylvania Communication Association, Communication Education, Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, and Review of Communication.

Amanda McKendree

Amanda G. McKendree (Ph.D., Duquesne University, 2009) is the Arthur F. and Mary J. O'Neil Director of the Fanning Center for Business Communication and an associate teaching professor of management in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame.  Her research examines crisis communication, conflict communication, and the influence of rhetoric on organizational identity. She is published in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Identity, the International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication, Business Communication Quarterly, Teaching Ideas for the Basic Communication Course, Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, and Review of Communication.

We live in an age of ethical disputes, making conflict inevitable as we meet others with contrasting ethical positions and contrary communicative expectations. An ethical position held with conviction frequently generates conflict when one encounters another with a differing ethical standpoint embraced with equal assurance. 

Conflict Between Persons: The Origins of Leadership conceptualizes communication and conflict as a pragmatically essential everyday education for future leadership. 

Conflict Between Persons: The Origins of Leadership emphasizes creative and constructive reactions to conflict responsiveness with three basic coordinates: (1) learn before, during, and after a conflict, (2) understand what matters to you and others, and (3) acknowledge that conflict engagement involves alertness to, and understanding of, what matters in the interplay of self and others and the immediate and larger communicative environment. Leadership begins with the study and practice of communication ethics understood as background that carries a sense of a given good that we seek to protect and promote. The study of communication ethics does not shelter us from conflict; in fact, it invites conflict, providing clarity about what is important to us and to others. Leadership frames the larger significance of behavior by announcing what matters, turning isolated conduct and conflict into meaningful action situated within a story. 

The authors conceptualize communication and conflict as an existential education for leadership that begins with a willingness to enter the fray of everyday disagreement propelled by a pragmatic objective: learning from others and difference. Communicative leadership in an era of routine contentiousness must engage and learn from diverse convictions and conceptions of what matters.

Conflict Between Persons: The Origins of Leadership:

  • Examines the complex issues of ethical diversity; ethical positions can now generate conflict. 
  • Uses the insights of communication/leadership expert Gail T. Fairhurst, the book frames the reality of conflict as an ongoing pragmatic education for leadership. 
  • Examines emotion, sentiment, conflict origins, difference, the interplay of relationships and perceptions, self talk and internal conflict, the power of opinion, multiplicity of conflict styles, the danger of anachronistic responses, and alternatives to destructive conflict. 
  • Introduces the Odyssey in the final chapter as a case study to examine the interplay of conflict, ethics in dispute, and leadership in action.
  • Is student friendly! The publication incorporates key terms, glossary, index, and navigational aids such as boldface terms, headings, sub-heads, and informational sidebars to serve as helpful reference points. 
  • Is instructor friendly! An instructor’s manual includes chapter objectives, key terms, chapter outlines, learning activities, suggestions for supplemental movies and books, journal reflection questions, test questions (multiple choice, true/false, and essay), comprehensive Power Point presentations, and summarized Power Point presentations with discussion questions.

Chapter 1 Conflict in an Age of Ethical Dispute 
Communication Ethics and Conflict: Th e Engine for Dispute
A Communicative Gestalt
Goods that Matter: Understanding the Epicenter of Conflict
Responsibility for Conflict
Communicative Building and Construction
Framing Communicative Leadership: Th e Interplay of Ethics and Conflict

Chapter 2 Framing Communication: Conflict and Leadership 
Communication Responses to Fairhurst’s Work
Fairhurst’s Scholarship
Framing Communicative Leadership

Chapter 3 Human Sentiment: From Argument to Conflict 
Rationalism, Reason, and Rationality
Conflict and Human Sentiment
Framing Communicative Leadership: Sensing What Matters

Chapter 4 Conflict Origins: Understanding What Matters 
Narratives, Interests, and Goals
History and the Historical Moment as Power-Laden Possibilities
Engaging Power Resources: Otherwise than Convention
Framing Communicative Leadership: Story, Practices, and Meaning

Chapter 5 Conflict, Welcome, and Difference 
Environmental Communication
Face Saving
Framing Communicative Leadership: Dwellings of Welcome

Chapter 6 Relational Perception in Conflict 
Web of Relationships
Jealousy and Envy
Relational Perception and Revelatory Space
Framing Communicative Leadership: Relational Perception

Chapter 7 Emotion and Conflict 
Emotional Awareness: An Awakening
Attending to Advance Notice: Emotional Intelligence
Framing Communicative Leadership: Emotional Alerts

Chapter 8 Dialogue and Internal Conflict 
Internal Dialogue
Intrapersonal Communication
Uncertainty Reduction Theory
Creative Engagement and Conflict Maps
Framing Communicative Leadership: Internal Dialogue

Chapter 9 Attending to Opinions in Conflict 
Emotivism as Individualistic Decision Making
Attribution Theory
Evidence and Public Opinion
Framing Communicative Leadership: Beginning with Opinion

Chapter 10 Conflict Styles: The Dangers of Unthinking Familiarity 
The Danger of Unreflective Routine
Conflict Styles
Existential Trust and Communicative Environment
Framing Communicative Leadership: Existential Trust

Chapter 11 Conflict Routine: Anachronistic Responses 
Responding to Existence
Attentive Hearing and Responsive Listening
Roles and Responsibilities: Perspectives on Conflict
Conflict Confederates: Displaced Conflict
Framing Communicative Leadership: Innovative Responsiveness

Chapter 12 Thresholds of Sensitivity in Conflict 
Interactive Sensitivity
Impersonal Responsibility
Performative Trust
Framing Communicative Leadership: Sensitivity in Conflict

Chapter 13 Destructive Conflict: Do Not Do This to Me and to Us 
Divisive Conflict
Resistance to the Problematic
Framing Communicative Leadership: Attending to the Problematic

Chapter 14 A Conflict Odyssey: Story-Centered Leadership 
Engaging the Particular: Leadership as Loss, Betrayal, and Cunning
From Behavior to Action



Biography Glossary 


Ronald C. Arnett

Ronald C. Arnett (Ph.D., Ohio University, 1978) is professor and chair of the Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies and the Patricia Doherty Yoder and Ronald Wolfe Endowed Chair in Communication Ethics at Duquesne University. He is the former Henry Koren, C.S.Sp., Endowed Chair for Scholarly Excellence (2010–2015). He is the author/coauthor of eleven books and the recipient of six book awards. His most recent works include Levinas’s Rhetorical Demand: The Unending Obligation of Communication Ethics (2017, Southern Illinois University Press) and two award-winning works: Communication Ethics in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt’s Rhetoric of Warning and Hope and An Overture to Philosophy of Communication: The Carrier of Meaning (with Annette Holba). He was selected as a 2017 Distinguished Scholar by the National Communication Association.

Leeanne McManus

Leeanne M. Bell McManus (Ph.D., Duquesne University, 2007) is a professor in the Business Communication Department at Stevenson University and the Vice President of the Eastern Communication Association. She has co-authored two books, Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference (with Ronald C. Arnett and Janie Harden Fritz) and Event Planning: Communicating Theory and Practice (with Chip Rouse and Stephanie Verni). She has published excerpts in Integrated Marketing Communication: Creating Spaces for Engagement (with Chip Rouse), Exploring Communication Ethics: Interviews with Influential Scholars in the Field (with Ronald C. Arnett and Pat Arneson), and The Encyclopedia of Social Identity. Dr. Bell McManus has also published in Atlantic Journal of Communication, Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, Communication Annual: Journal of the Pennsylvania Communication Association, Communication Education, Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, and Review of Communication.

Amanda McKendree

Amanda G. McKendree (Ph.D., Duquesne University, 2009) is the Arthur F. and Mary J. O'Neil Director of the Fanning Center for Business Communication and an associate teaching professor of management in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame.  Her research examines crisis communication, conflict communication, and the influence of rhetoric on organizational identity. She is published in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Identity, the International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication, Business Communication Quarterly, Teaching Ideas for the Basic Communication Course, Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, and Review of Communication.