Thursday, February 27, 2025
02:30 pm
to 03:30 pm
There is only one catechumenate in the parish. It is a liturgical formation process that leads the unbaptized of all ages to life with Christ in the Catholic Church. Parish ministers are often presented with older children who have not been baptized (or completed Christian Initiation). This webinar will explore what the OCIA says about the initiation of children, how the Church invites us to think and practice differently our approach to catechesis and finally some practical ways of implementing the OCIA with children and their families.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Speaker: Joe Long
Joe is a pastoral minister with a wealth of experience in catechesis liturgy and the catechumenate.He has served as a staff member in diocesan parish and school settings.He has worked with the Catechumenate (the O/RCIA) for many years and has been a workshop presenter and team for the local, diocesan and national church.
The Math Begins When the Game Ends: Engaging and Challenging Your K-5 Students Webinar
Thursday, February 27, 2025
05:00 pm
to 06:30 pm
Do your students cheer when it is time for math class?
Audience:Educators & Leaders K-5
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Time: 5:00-6:30 pm CT
Location: Via Zoom
Fee: $150 per participant seat
Deadline to Register: February 18, 2025
The human brain loves to learn; searches for patterns; makes connections, conjectures and plans; craves novelty; is persistent; values social interactions; and seeks to have fun. Mathematical games can be the perfect place for this, if you have the RIGHT games!
Join us to explore a variety of field-tested, research-based games and puzzles designed to facilitate students’ development of a deeper, more complex, more engaging and enduring understanding of whole numbers and computation. Discover strategies for implementing in your classroom.
Learn techniques that give students an opportunity to:
Grow their brains with enjoyment
Experience perseverance
Experience productive struggle
Discussing problems and creative solutions with peers
Posing new problems of interest to explore
The true joy of learning, and understanding mathematics itself, comes with deeper investigations.
*All resources will be shared at the conclusion of the session to use in your classroom the next day!
Linda Sheffield is a co-author of the Javits-funded Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds, the NSF Project M2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians, Project A3: Awesome Advanced Activities, three series of units for K-6 students and Math Innovations, a middle grades mathematics series. She was a leader of the NAGC STEM Network, was chair of the NCTM Task Force on Promising Students, was founding vice president of the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness and is past president of the School Science and Mathematics Association. Among the over 50 books that she has authored, co-authored, or edited are the NAGC/NCTM/NCSM monograph, Using the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics with Gifted and Advanced Learners; The Peak in the Middle: Developing Mathematically Gifted Students in the Middle Grades; Extending the Challenge in Mathematics; Awesome Math Problems for Creative Thinking; the PreK–2 NCTM Navigations series; and math methods books for early childhood elementary and middle school teachers. She directed more than 20 regional grants and conducted seminars for educators, parents and students across the USA and in nearly twenty other countries with an emphasis on helping all students develop their mathematical creativity, promise, talents and abilities to the fullest extent possible.